tisdag 5 juli 2011

Voice recording for the 123-app

Annie doing the voice recording for the next app in the education suite from Klint Effort. Some of the picture content has been created already, but this is only the beginning. Much more to come before we are ready for launch.

Keep coming back here to follow the progress, or why not keep an eye on our Facebook-page? http://www.facebook.com/?ref=logo#!/pages/Klint-Effort/127786083963112

If you want to help us with voicerecording in some other languages than swedish and english - please take contact with us!

måndag 27 juni 2011

Next app is on its way...

Here you can see a first screenshot of the new app. Not sure it will look like this at all when it's being launched later on. There is much work left until we are ready but it is very nice to start to be able to have a look and feel of what it might be like.
We belive that we will keep the same or similar look and feel that we had in the ABC App as it will be in the new 123 App. Or do you have any other opinion, please let us know by posting here in our blog.

One other very fun thing is that our ABC app still holds the #1 position in Education for Ipad. Incredible and very fun!

måndag 13 juni 2011

Next project started up

Our first app is still being downloaded a lot more than we expected, and we have decided which of our upcoming ideas that will be the next one to be developed. And what could be more logic than something that has to do with 123 after the first app about ABC?
But ofcourse we will do it with a twist... Keep coming back here to keep an eye on the progress and the future launch.

måndag 23 maj 2011

Review by Barnboksprat

Nu har Barnboksprat - en site med inriktning på barnböcker - kikat närmare på vår "Peka och Lär ABC"-app och skrivit lite om den. Både ris och ros och det är såklart roligt att vi blir omnämda.
Läs gärna vad de skriver här: http://www.barnboksprat.se/2011/05/23/peka-lar-abc/

torsdag 19 maj 2011

#2 on Downloaded for Ipad...

Now our ABC application har taken off. Right now we are on number 2 on the download list for paid apps on ipad. We do really not understand this. It's just amazing! And we are very greatful, and this gives a lot of inspiration for the coming applications that we now have started to develop. New photosession will take place soon.

Nu ligger vi som ni ser på bilden ovan på plats nummer 2 i Appstore för iPad på betalappar. Vi förstår verkligen ingenting alls av hur stort detta har blivit. Nerladdningsantalet har vida överstigit vår egen tro. Men vi är mycket tacksamma och tycker det är riktigt roligt såklart. Det ger även god inspiration nu när vi påbörjat arbetet med nästa app. Vi kommer att köra en fotosession i närtid för att få fram bildinnehållet.

tisdag 17 maj 2011

Allt om Mac skriver om Peka och Lär ABC

Nu verkar det som om vi fått lite uppmärksamhet för vår första app; ABC-appen "Peka och Lär ABC". Tidningen "Allt om Mac" har gjort en liten recension av education/edutainment appar och lyfter upp vår som ett exempel. Man uppskattar att vi använt barnröster, och precis som vi trodde och hoppades så uppskattas berömet vid rätt val.
Se vad tidningen skriver med egna ord här: http://alltommac.se/nyheter/peka-lar-abc-med-svensk-rost-till-iphone-och-ipad/

torsdag 12 maj 2011

Next app launched soon - this time its for free and about STCC

The next app that we are going to launch is the first of many picturebooks in different themes. It's simply an app that can work as a book full of pictures. The first theme is STCC. STCC stands for Swedish Touring Car Championship and the app is full of nice pictures of cars, bikes, gocarts, camaros, Volvos, BMWs etc.
This app will be a gift from us to you. That meaning that it will be completely free to download from the Klint Effort Appstore.