torsdag 24 mars 2011

Easy as ABC - App coming out real soon

The first learning and educational application for Iphone/Ipad/Ipod is very soon to be released. Still some finetuning going on, but now its only days left... So keep an eye on us!

tisdag 22 mars 2011

Voicerecording almost done

Today we are finalizing the voicerecordings for the swedish version of the first app. Our magic voice are focused and we think she has a really nice voice to listen to. Hope you like it when the app is released.

måndag 14 mars 2011

Official name and new project

We have been doing some changes in our plans for our applications. Now we have turned our main project into "pause" and instead focusing on a newly arrised area. Why are we doing this? It's all about timing and content. We found out that we have everything ready for this new app that will be launched in just a few weeks time from now. A different area, a simplier app, but probably much easier to start out to get running and to form the company around.
Keed coming back here to find us.

One other thing that has been finished now is the name of the company/project. We are: "Klint Effort". Remember that name - you will see more of it in the future!

tisdag 1 mars 2011


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